ETC Boosters Membership & Patronage
The Boosters primarily rely on membership and patronage for our funding. We strongly encourage supporters to become members and patrons.
Become a member for just $25! Love theatre? Become a Patron! All Patron level details and benefits are listed below. The tax deductible portion of fee shown in parentheses ().
$25 ($25)
Membership in the ETC Boosters
Voting rights at ETC Boosters meetings
Ability to serve on Boosters board
Name listed in show programs and on website
$100 ($80)
ETC Boosters membership and all related benefits
Two (2) tickets to the show of your choice
Executive Producer
$250 ($210)
ETC Boosters membership and all related benefits
Four (4) tickets to the show of your choice
Four (4) concessions coupons for the season
Show Supporter
$500 ($460)
ETC Boosters membership and all related benefits
Recognition in curtain speeches for selected show
Featured on our website as supporter of ETC
Quarter page ad and listing in playbill for selected show
Four (4) tickets for your selected show
Four (4) concessions coupons for the season
Show Run Sponsor
$1,000 ($940)
ETC Boosters membership and all related benefits
Recognition in curtain speeches for selected show
Featured on our website as supporter of ETC
Half page ad and listing in playbill for selected show
Six (6) tickets with reserved seating for the show of your choice
Six (6) concessions coupons for the season
Season Sponsor
$2,500 ($2,420)
ETC Boosters membership and all related benefits
Recognition in curtain speeches for all shows in the season
Featured on our website as supporter of ETC
Eight (8) tickets with reserved seating for the season
Eight (8) concessions coupons for the season
Full page ad and listing in every playbill for the season